Das ESK – Europäisches Solidaritätskorps – ist ein neues Programm der Europäischen Union. Es fördert das Engagement junger Menschen in Projekten und Aktivitäten, die der Gemeinschaft zugutekommen.
Das ESK bietet Jugendlichen (18 bis 30 Jahren), die Möglichkeit sich in gemeinnützigen Projekten im eigenen Land oder im Ausland zu engagieren. Auch Jobs und Praktika in ganz Europa werden vermittelt.
Organisationen und Unternehmen können mit Hilfe des ESK junge Menschen aus ganz Europa rekrutieren.
Infos unter www.jugendinaktion.at
Nusret Ocakturk aus der Türkei und Ksenia Galitskaya aus Russland
Freiwillige im SJ 19/20
Irina Zhambaldorzhiera aus Russland und Sherin Idais aus Palästina
Freiwillige im SJ 18/19
Nayra Ilayda
Nayra Bordetas Spanien und Ilayda Ozcan aus der Türkei
Freiwillige im SJ 17/18
Noemie Sallansonnet und Violeta Merino
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2016/2017
Winona Miroy aus Frankreich und Andrea Dìaz Jimènez aus Spanien
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2015/2016
Katalin Kolozsi aus Szödliget, Ungarn
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2014/15
Tiziana Leonardi aus Varese, Italien
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2013/14
Johannes Feindler aus Wuppertal, Deutschland
Freiwilliger im Schuljahr 2013/14 aus einem anderen Projekt für kurze Zeit zu uns gewechselt
Beatríz Lopez aus Cordoba, Spanien
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2012/13
Rafael Avivar Jaldo aus Granada, Spanien
Freiwilliger im Schuljahr 2011/12
Dear all, Hallo!
I miss you, and your wonderful school, very, very much! I learned and grew so much in it, and you all taught me so much that I feel I can never thank you enough.
I remember all your words of wisdom, generosity, kind smiles and hospitality. You also gave me the freedom to create activities and projects at my own will, to take my time and adapt to your school’s culture and educational ways in a way that was very gentle and accepting. And that is more precious than I could ever put it in words!
I can still see you around the table, on the couches, discussing with great ease, interest and affection, all the kids’ issues, their problems, wishes and dreams, and all the ways in which you could help them.
I was puzzled at first, and lost for words (could it really work? could your methods really work?), but in time, I saw and understood the wonderful changes that took place in the children when they were corrected in their behaviors with gentleness, understanding and love; when they were being given the opportunity to discover the things around them (and themselves) on their own; most of all, when they were encouraged to emphasize and treasure feelings, kind words and deeds more than material things and possessions. It is such a fresh, humanistic and so much needed approach, especially in the Western culture, that we can not have enough schools like LWS!
I believe it is hard to find a school that nurtures and strives to teach children beautiful and simple ways of living, oriented towards self-expression, kindness, and acceptance. But you are doing exactly that, and it is magical!
There is nothing more potent in the self-realization of a human being (and I stress that, completely and wholesome HUMAN), than to give them freedom and a safe environment in which to grow following their own rhythms.
And you have given the same to me!
Thank you once moreRoxi
Roxi Ciopei aus Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg), Rumänien
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2010/11
Adrienne Horvath aus Veszprem, Ungarn
Freiwillige im Schuljahr 2009/10